Alex Plum has a real name but it is a phonetic nightmare. Born in the tropics, he write frequently off topic. He loves cartoons which don't take themselves too seriously and movies that take themselves too seriously. He does Art and Music competently.
Bernt Toast (Social Media Manager: Bringer of News and Occasionally, Doom)
Bernt Toast kindly asks you to be patient. He will eventually do or say something interesting.
Brancake (Part-Time Writer/Full-Time Narcissist)
Brancake knows not only that the cake is a lie, but that everything except the cake is truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You can't handle the truth. But he can. He has an uncanny ability to write the living shit out of words. When he's not doing that, he works undercover as an ordinary human being in order to uncover the huge conspiracy behind things (it goes all the way to the top).
Renegade Sandwich (Head Honcho)
Renegade Sandwich is a cynic who does know the price of everything and the value of nothing, in that he recognises that everything has a cost and nothing has true intrinsic value, everything is arbitrary. Between various existential crises, he writes, reads, games and plans out his strategy for world domination. He is also a renegade but a damned good sandwich.
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